Father, You who breathed Your breath into this baby girl,
I pray now for Your hand to hold her, Your smile to continually shine on her.
You who brought her out of my dark womb and lurched her into the dark of night,
I pray now for Your love to spread over her, Your light to scatter all the darkness around her.
May her heart be free, her steps spring light with songs, her mind enthused on Truth.
May she not fear the future,
but ward off worry with worship,
discover Your call in the common,
filled with a sense of everyday joy and wonder.
Father, cover over her like only a perfect Protector can.
Clothe her with a sense of deep knowing — of who she is, what she’s about and where she’s placed — all things foreign to the world but familiar to sons and daughters of the faith.
Grant her the nourishment that comes from deep knowing of You and great living for You.
And may those she meets be nourished with her act of love, her simple kindness, her generous giving.
Help me Lord, to die to myself, so I can love and nurture her like only You can.