It’s what I’ve been waking up to, and sleeping the night with.
What I’ve been singing the heartiest when the lies have been the hardest, and declaring the bravest when the oppression’s been the boldest.
It’s the song that’s keeping me going when I feel like I’m losing, the words I’m praying over friends, families and nations, us warriors for each other’s battle field.
It’s the song for us: those worn out and wearied down over memories of lies and losses — because in Christ we will find all His love for our keeping, all His truth for our finding.
I’ve played it on repeat as I held my sobbing sister-in-law over the hard of a year just past, the Husband and I have been singing it since we’ve flown across continents and chosen faith instead of fear to conquer the challenges of a new year ahead.
And sometimes the mornings are the hardest, my sister-in-law agreeing that some old voices get the nastiest when the mind’s fresh and vulnerable and the heart’s still victimised over the dark of yesterdays’ nights.
But this can be our song of courage, our praise for every pain, and the faith for our fear so we need not be scarred over our failures, or scared over our problems ahead because as long as we can sing it, we can believe how great, and glorious and good God really is.
Let it erase your old, let it make your new.
And you can feel old fears peeling away as you sing it faithful, you rising today out of your ashes to respond to His love for you…for you.
And this below is the song of our hearts, the confession of our lips — may you be blessed as you play it along.